Conjunctive adverbs of contrast and comparison.

However, nevertheless, whereas, but, yet, still, similarly, likewise, equally, comparatively, etc.are Examples of conjunctive adverbs of contrast and comparison. Conjuctive adverbs of contrast links two statements or ideas having opposing viewpoints. On the other hand, Conjuctive adverbs of comparison compares between two statements. Here, I’m going to provide explanation of conjunctive adverbs of contrast and comparison.

List of Conjunctive adverbs of contrast

Following are some useful examples of Conjuctive adverbs of contrast. Later on, I am going to use these adverbs in sentences.

  1. Anyway,
  2. Rather,
  3. Regardless
  4. On the Contrarily
  5. On the other hand,
  6. However,
  7. Nevertheless,
  8. Notwithstanding,
  9. Nonetheless,
  10. Yet, still, but,
  11. Whereas,
  12. Instead, in contrast,
  13. Conversely, while, else, etc.

Examples of conjunctive adverbs of contrast

Now, take a look at the examples of conjunctive adverbs of contrast in sentences.

“At Diwali festival, people burn costly crackers. On the other hand, in India millions are suffering due to malnutrition and starvation as per WHO reports”.

This example highlights two situations of plenty and poverty by “On the other hand” conjunctive adverb.

“He was so ill. Nevertheless, he appeared on time”.

It is showing unexpected surprising contrast between two opposing viewpoints by “Nevertheless”

Similar examples of Conjunctive adverbs of contrast by “However, instead, Contrarily, in contrast”

  1. No one was sure about the potential of France. However, the team reached in the Football World Cup final”.
  2. “It was raining heavily. Everyone was expecting to get back. Instead, we marched ahead”.
  3. Tourist were planning to return due to ongoing snow fall. Contrarily, our team refused to surrender.
  4. Generally, on holidays, voter turnout is expected below normal. In contrast, in last parliamentary election, voter responded positively”.

Correct usages of conjunctive adverbs of comparison

Such adverbs show the general comparison between two qualities, characteristics, nature, or amount of two things. Following are the examples of conjunctive adverbs of comparison.

  1. Comparatively,
    In comparison,
  2. likewise,
  3. Similarly,
  4. Usually,
  5. Alternatively,
  6. Equally

Examples of conjunctive adverbs of comparison in sentences

I have presented some useful examples of conjunctive adverbs of comparison in sentence.

  1. Rohan passed his exam by reading NCERT textbooks. Similarly, his brother, Ashok too, started reading same NCERT textbooks thereafter
  2. Recently, Donald Trump was elected for raising America First slogen. Similarly, in India as well, Narendra Modi too, aggressively pursued anti-muslim propaganda to win majority votes.
  3. China model of development depends on the exports driven economic policy. Comparatively, many socialist nations follow self reliable and self sufficient economic growth model.
  4. John spends two hours in Jim doing exercises. Equally, his brother aspires to join bodybuilding classes.

These are examples of conjunctive adverbs of comparison to show that the compared things are alike or similar properties.

Last words on Conjunctive adverbs of contrast and comparison

Finally, to show the similarity between two ideas or things, Conjuctive adverbs of comparison are used. While, to show how two ideas are different from each other, Conjuctive adverbs of contrast are used.

Adverbs of emphasis and addition

In fact and indeed Conjuctive adverbs

Conjuctive adverbs for adding information