Food security in India

In the Global Hunger Index in 2018, India placed at the 103rd position among 119 nations. It proves that implemented efforts considerably failed to liberate the starved millions from the clutches of malnutrition. So far, nation’s giant leap in the food-grain production has proved inadequate to feed the hungry. And, quest for food security in India is still continue.

Constitutional provisions for food security In India

Founding fathers of our nation, while drafting brilliant Constitution, judiciously included the protection of life is a fundamental right in the Part III of our Constitution.

Right to life is right to have food security

As per provisions, every individual who is citizen of India must afford adequate ways of livelihood to live with dignity and comfort. Through various judgements, Apex court also held that right to live is not merely confined to physical existence but it also includes in ambit of right to live with human dignity.

Unfortunately, even after so much provisions, people are still struggling to achieve food–grain security and the question of appropriate, nutrient oriented food security is still miles away.

Meaning of food security

Food security does not constitute mere wheat and rice but its ambit is quiet wide and large. It includes adequate quantity of carbohydrates, energy rich fat, body building proteins, adequate minerals and vitamins  Besides, clean drinking water, affordable energy, sanitation and clean pollution free environment are also part of food security.

Geographical advantage for India to produce more food grains

Monsoonal climate with wide ranging climatic conditions from Tropical to Tundra is the strength of nation to produce greater varieties.

Floral and faunal diversity

Recent available data placed India in the Tenth position in the world and Fourth position in the Asia continent in the plant diversity. Out of these floral diversity, many plants offer huge promising potential of variety of food as well as other raw materials.
Apart from floral diversity, faunal diversity is very rich resources of food and other types of raw materials.

Current situation of food grain production

In the year 2018-19, food-grain production was around 281 million tonnes in which wheat and rice constituted the largest share. Obviously, food availability of any nation depends on the growth rate of food production, as well as the size of population.

Since independence, food–grain production has been increased at an annual rate of 2.5 p.c. compared to the average annual growth rate of population 2.1 p.c.

This suggests that, country maintained overall growth rate of 0.4 p.c. During this period, net availability of cereals increased from about 395 gm. per capita per day in 1950’s to 412 gm. per capita per day and the improvement in the productivity of oilseeds was hardly noticed.

Nutritional requirements for healthy person

Scientifically, the requirement of nutrition for a working healthy person is 350 to 400 gm of carbohydrates, 60 gm pulses, 5 to 6 litre of potable water, sanitation and pollution free environment to live healthy, efficient and productive life.

Considering the current condition regarding food-grain production, drinking water availability, growing pollution and poor sanitation, it looks like difficult to provide nutrient rich food security in near future.

Low productivity compare to others

In case of productivity of various crops in compare to the world level, India is placed in the lower position. In terms of wheat productivity, it is placed in the 38th rank, and rice  in the 52nd position.

The situation in case of pulses and oilseeds is worse. The productivity rank of pulses is 138 and oilseeds 147 in the world level. It indicates that country has great potential and scope to increase productivity. For this purpose, due reforms are essential.

Inferior animal resources or livestock

The role of animal husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries in the food security Endeavour is no less important compare to other components.
Currently, India ranks 1st in the milk production. It produces around 177million tonnes per year. Next, it produces around 100 billion eggs; and 3rd largest producer of fish in the world.

Nevertheless, the cost of milk, eggs, and other products is almost beyond the reach of people living in poverty. Generally, milk is sold around 40 rupees per litre, which is near unaffordable.

Furthermore, the rate of chicken meat, goat meat, fish, pork and others are out of pocket of our poor people.

World Bank report on food security in India

According to the World Bank, in India almost half of the people are living below one dollar per day. Therefore, one can easily imagine that with meagre or paltry income how a person could purchases required nutrient rich diet and other things when inflation is soaring continuously.

Despite all these fact, our well educated economic experts claim that our population suffering from poverty is substantially declining.

Food Security Act by UPA government

In 2013, central government, after a lot of debate and discussion, passed the Food Security Bill in order to give certain amount of food grains in a concessional rate for those who does not afford market price. It was a serious attempt as a part of quest for food security in India after seven decades of independence.

But mere providing cereals in the form of wheat, rice and course cereals, one does not claim that we have provided food security to our majority people.

Would it be possible in near future?The most important question is how long does government able to provide such huge amount of subsidy? And, why these people are not in position to purchase these commodities even in the fastest growing economy of the world?

We cannot find answers of these questions because of our masses are become addicted of these incentives and in the same manner our political leaders want to perpetuate this condition for longer time.

Country’s political stalwarts are vigorously claiming that they are providing food security for their hungry people without answering why they were hungry so far and why can’t they purchase on their own without incentives? After all, quest for food security in India looks never-ending.

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