Meaning and examples of perspective

Perspective is a way of interpreting or judging things by specific angles. Simply, perspective is a way to perceive things through one’s point of view. Here, the position of person who perceives the thing in question is important. Let’s see the meaning and examples of “Perspective”.

Meaning, examples, and types of Perspectives

In which angle or way you observe thing is so important. Who is observing and how is being observed should be answered to know the essence of perspective.

Historical perspective

Suppose, you are describing the glory or gloom, you tells things by the means of historical point of views. It is called historical perspective.

Once upon time, we were the leading producers of spices — historical perspective.

Scientific and religious perspectives

Just imagine that there is solar Eclipse. What would you observe surrounding you. Some people carry telescope and other pray to God.

As per scientific perspective, curious rational people observe how the heavenly bodies like sun, earth, and moon, cast effects on one another.

On the other hand, religious people think that there is threat for Sun God. Hence, they worship Sun God for relief.

As a farmer, agriculture doesn’t remain profitable–Farmers perspective

Being a sportsman, I can’t predict the winner–sportsman Perspective.

Explaining the concept of perspective

In simple terms, perspective is a way by which a person in question perceives or judge things he encounter on the basis of given angle or way. Let’s see some examples,

  • First, as a farmer, agriculture doesn’t remain profitable.
  • Second, being a sportsman, I can’t predict the winner.

In the first example, a farmer thinks that agriculture isn’t profitable. And, in second example, a sportsman hesitate to predict the winner of the game.

In both examples, farmer as well as sportsman expresses view as professional based on theirs respective expertise instead of beliefs. They both are thinking about the situation they facing not personally but professionally.

Regional, national and global perspective

If you judge things through regional interest, it is termed as regional perspective. And, if you give priority to national interests and perceive things on the basis, it becomes national perspective.

Finally, if you have global outlook and want to pursue policies accordingly, we call it as global perspective. These are some types, meaning, and examples of perspective.

Final words on meaning and examples of Perspective

Opinion is all about what person thinks based on his beliefs in relation to thing or situation he facing. In opinion person only expresses personal views but not mere beliefs.

On the other hand, perspective is a way of Perceiving or judging things. In what capacity you are interpreting things is more important than your beliefs used in opinion.

Solved questions on meaning and examples of perspective

Understanding “Perspective” isn’t easy task for fresh learners. Let’s see some Solved questions on meaning and examples of Perspective.

Q. 1. What does perspective mean?

Ans: In simple terms, perspective is a way by which a person in question perceives or judge things he encounter on the basis of given angle or way. Historical perspective, scientific perspective, religious perspective, psychological perspective, are the examples of perspective.

Q.2. What is the importance of “perspective”?

Ans: If you study thing in focus by employing various Perspectives, you can easily understand it systematically. It is an effective means to perceive things in totality.

Just overlook can’t be sufficient. By studying thing through different perspectives, you get better insight of the given thing.

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