States and properties of matter

In everyday activities, you might encounter with various things like running motors, moving people, animals, sitting chairs, tables, mobile phone, food you eat etc. All are made up of different substances like plastic, steel, wood, cells etc. In short, matter is instrumental for everything we observe. Understanding the importance, let’s learn more about the states and properties of matter.

Really, what we observe and experience in our surroundings is the things made up of different substances such as wood, flesh and blood, plastic, cotton, steel, clay, stones.

Everything we perceive, observe and experience is made up of tiny particles. Scientifically, all these are clubbed as matter.

Factually, matter has has three forms or states like solid, liquid, and gas. Here, I’m going to explain the different states and properties of matter.

Understanding states and properties of matter

For basic understanding, matter is a substance studded or embedded with tiny particles like atoms, molecules and compounds.

More specifically, matter has mass, volume, occupy space and have inertia. But, it depends on the given states of matter.

As per the modern physics, the different forms or states of matter are depending on the energy of particles and intermolecular force between particles.

Accordingly, matter is classified as solid, liquid, and gases. Hereon, let’s know the different forms or states and properties of matter.

Properties of Solid states of matter

Human body, trees, motors, steel, rock, bricks, all are solid substances with tiny particles and have very strong intermolecular force among them.

Negligible compressibility, but, definite shape and volume.

Definite volume, shape, color, hardness, conductivity, boiling and melting point are the general properties of matter.

Apart from these, solid is rigid and non-compressible due to compact nature compare to liquid and gases. Importantly, mass is a common property of matter.

More specifically, particles in solid have less energy but stronger intermolecular force between two particles. Due to this, particles can’t move freely and remained in compact or packed.

If there is more energy to particles, it means that there is more movement and so the space among particles. In solid, such space remains absent due to stronger intermolecular force.

As I explained earlier that strong intermolecular force doesn’t let particles to move away.

Characteristics or properties of Liquid state of matter

Tea, cold drinks, milk, water, are liquid states of matter. Properties or characteristics of liquid state are different from that of solid.

Unlike solid state of matter, liquid has no definite shape but constant volume, not fully compressible, can flow and filled, and have boiling point are the common properties of liquid state of matter.

Apart from these, two particles of liquid state of matter have cohesive force between them. And, force between liquid and solid state is adhesive.

Unlike solid matter, particles of liquid state have more energy to move freely. But, intermolecular force between two particles not that much of matter like solid.

Gaseous state of matter

In the process of understanding states and properties of matter, gaseous state of matter is the third form of matter.

Unlike both states of matter solid and liquid, gas state have no definite shape and volume but can be filled and extended. It is highly compressible and compacted.

In this state, particles have more kinetic energy to move freely but lesser effect of the intermolecular force between two particles. It is lighter due to low density but more diffusible.

Exertion of pressure by solid, liquid and gas

It is important to note that not all these states of matter exert equal pressure in all the directions.

Particularly, solid state exerts more downward pressure, while liquid state exerts downward and lateral. On the other hand, gaseous state exert universal pressure in all the directions.

So far, we have understood about the states and properties of matter. Hereon, let’s see the changes in the states of matter. Simply put, how one state of matter changes in other forms and vice-versa.

Changes in the states of matter

Changes in the states of matter are determined by the nature of substance, degree of temperature, and the atmospheric pressure.

Solid to liquid state and liquid to solid

First of all, let’s begin to understand the solid to liquid and liquid to solid state.

Heat energy used to change the states of solid to liquid is called positive energy due to endothermic process.

In this process, energy is consumed from atmosphere directly to change the state.

In reverse order, exothermic process plays role and energy is released in the atmosphere to realise solid state like freezing point. Here, released energy is called negative energy.

Liquid to Gaseous state and gas to liquid

In this process, liquid state is converted to Gas and vice-versa. In the first process, energy is gained to change state. But, in reverse process, energy is released in the same amount.

Vaporization is termed when energy is consumed to change liquid into gas. Whereas, condensation occurs when energy is released in the atmosphere in reverse order.

Solid to Gas and gas to solid

Here too, endothermic process and exothermic process are experienced when energy is released and consumed to change the states of matter.

Sometimes, it occurs when solid is directly converted to Gas and gas is reconverted to solid states.

When solid is changed to Gas, it is termed as sublimation. And, when gas is changed to solid in same way, it is called deposition.

Last words on states and properties of matter

In this way, one state of matter gets converted to another by gaining or losing thermal energy. More energy matter gain, the particles move more rapidly and vice-versa.

If the particles have more energy, there is weak intermolecular force. And, so the different states.

This is all about the states and properties of matter. For more about the properties of matter, I will discuss it in detail in the next post.

Short summary of states and properties of matter

For easy to remember, let’s take a look at the key points of states and properties of matter. Here is the short summary:-

  • Matter is substance studded or embedded with tiny particles.
  • There is intermolecular force among such tiny particles.
  • Energy of particles and intermolecular force has inverse relationship.
  • As we know there are three states or forms of matter like solid, liquid, and Gaseous.
  • Intermolecular force is stronger in solid, while weaker in gaseous state. But, particles of solid state has lesser energy than that of the gaseous.
  • States of matter are not permanent as they transform from one states to another by gaining or losing thermal energy.
  • Basically, there are two processes of energy. One is endothermic and second is exothermic.
  • Endothermic is called positive process as it gains energy from atmosphere. While, exothermic is known to release energy to the atmosphere, and it is termed as negative.
  • In condensation, energy is released in atmosphere. But, in vaporization, energy is gained or taken from atmosphere.
  • Sometimes, solid is directly converted to Gas and gas is reconverted to solid states. This is known as sublimation and deposition.

Solved questions on states and properties of matter

Solved questions on states and properties of matter will definitely help students to answer more difficult questions asked in exam with better comfort and ease.

Q. 1 What does matter mean?

Ans: Anything we observe, experience, and perceive surrounding us is called matter. Specifically, matter is a substance studded or embedded with tiny particles.

Q. 2. What are the major characteristics of matter?

Ans: Matter has mass, volume, density. It occupy space and have inertia. Some are compressible, and other have definite shape and volume.

Q. 3. What are the different states of matter?

Ans: Solid, Liquid, Gases,Plasma, BEC, are the major types of states of matter as per the modern physics.

Q. 4. Write down the difference between endothermic and exothermic processes?

Ans: To change one form or state of matter to another, energy is required. Energy is gained from atmosphere to transform solid to liquid and liquid to gases.

While, energy is released in atmosphere when opposite occurs. Endothermic is a positive process, while exothermic is negative.

When energy is directly gained from atmosphere, it is called endothermic. And, when energy is released in atmosphere, it is labelled as exothermic process.

Q.5. What is mean by intermolecular force?

Ans: Intermolecular force is a force of attraction between two tiny particles in matter. In solid, Intermolecular force is stronger than in liquid and gases. It binds two particles together.

Q. 6. What is sublimation?

Ans: When solid state of matter is directly converted to gaseous state, it is called sublimation. Conversely, when gaseous state is directly converted to solid is termed as deposition.

Q. 7 What is the difference between condensation and vaporization?

Ans: Vaporization is a endothermic process as it gains energy from atmosphere to transform solid to liquid state and liquid to gases.

On the other hand, condensation is a exothermic process as it releases energy to the atmosphere while changing liquid to gases and gases to liquid state.

These are some important questions and answers on states and properties of matter. I hope all this subject matter will help you to gain more understanding of physics and physical science.

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