Such as and such that

“Such as” is an appositives (similar to “case in apposition”) used to add similar information to noun or pronoun or make noun more informative. Besides, such…as is also used as a correlative conjunction to join extra similar information. For better clarity, let’s see the difference between such as and such that.

In order to understand the appositives, we need to first know the types of noun cases, as well as meaning and definition of case in apposition.

Explaining difference between such as and such that

Both such as and such that are used interchangeably but have considerable difference between them.

Such as appositive and “Noun case in apposition”

Noun case is a word used to express the relation of a noun with the other words in the given sentence. But, usually, it is relevant only with the personal pronouns in the sentence.

He is a talented student.

Teacher taught them a learning method.

Students donated some money in charity.

In the first example, “He” personal pronoun is placed in the subjective case. Whereas, in the second example, “them” is placed as an indirect object in the dative case.

And, in the third example, “some money” is placed in the “objective case”.

“Case in apposition” and “such as” appositive

In this case, a word that is noun or pronoun follows another words describing the thing mentioned earlier in detailed manner, is said to be case in apposition.

1.Maasai Mara, national park of Kenya, is my favourite place to stay.

2.Ganga, a perennial river of India, emerges out Gangotri glacier.

3.Cricket, a national game of England, is highly popular in the Asian nations.

“Such as”- appositives phrase

As I mentioned earlier that such as phrase is used to add extra similar information to noun or pronoun to make it more clear.

  • Perennial rivers such as Ganga, Amazon, and Mekong are act as boon for humanity.
  • Folded mountains such as Himalayas, Andes, and Atlas are product of collision of tectonic plates.

Such…as correlative conjunction

Apart from appositive phrase, such…as is also used as a correlative conjunction to play same role and functions.

Such players as play match winning innings should be considered for World Cup.
He is not such a champion as you think him to be.

Explaining Such…that correlative conjunction

Such…that correlative conjunction is widely used to express the relation between cause and effect. “Such” is used to introduce cause. Whereas, “that” expresses effect.


1.He was such a tired person that he totally gave up to walk further.

2.Under developed includes such poor nations that they cannot invest in green technology.

3.She is such a pious lady that everyone revers her politely.

3.It was such a dreadful and poisonous snake that everyone preferred to stay away safely.

Difference between So that and such that

So that and such that correlative conjunctions are used to introduce correlative clauses to join two elements of equal importance in the sentence. Let’s see the ways and means to use correctly so…that and such…that correlative conjunctions

Meaning and definition of So that and such that correlative conjunctions

In both correlative conjunctions, “so and such” are used as the intensifiers to introduce causes for later effects.

On the other hand, “that” is used to express effect of the earlier causes. In this way, these correlative conjunctions mutually work as a pair to bear desired meaning. That’s why we also call these conjunctions as the paired conjunctions.

Structure of so that and such that

A) “So + adjective + that + subject + predicate”
B) “Such + adjective + noun +that + subject + predicate”

When we compare between so…that and such…that correlative conjunctions for cause and effect, we may easily notice that such…that is more firm and determined compare to so….that.

Simply, such…that emphasizes more compare to so…that. Nevertheless, both play same role and functions of cause and effect relationship.

Correct use and examples

As I stated earlier that So.…that correlative conjunction is used to describe cause and effect relationship.

On the other hand, as a conjunction of purpose, “so…that” subordinating conjunction is used to introduce the reasons for doing something — conjunction of purpose.

But, as a correlative conjunction, “so…that” is used to express relationship between cause and effect. “So” is used as an intensifier for cause and “that” describes effect.

Examples of “so that”

“So… Adjective….That”

Here, “so” is used as an intensifiers for following effect expressed by “that”

  • I am so tired that I cannot walk further.
  • Under developed countries are so poor that they cannot invest in green technology.
  • She is so pious lady that everyone revers her politely.
  • She is so pious lady that I ever saw that everyone revers her politely.
  • The snake was so dreadful and poisonous that everyone preferred to stay away safely.

Examples of such that

The structure of such…that is slightly different from so…that. So…that correlative conjunction is less emphatic compare to such…that.


  • He was such a tired person that he totally gave up to walk further.
  • Under developed includes such poor nations that they cannot invest in green technology.
  • She is such a pious lady that everyone revers her politely.
  • It was such a dreadful and poisonous snake that everyone preferred to stay away safely.

These are some useful examples to get better insight of both so…that and such…that correlative conjunctions.

In this article, “such as and such that” as well as “so that and such that” I explained the meaning, examples and usages in formation of sentences.

Alternative coordinating conjunctions

Adverb Clause Of Cause And Reason

Even Though And Even If

Subordinating conjunctions of time

“But and Yet” Contrasting conjunctions

Noun or pronoun cases

Relative clauses by relative adverbs