Actually, you do not hesitate to speak truth that invites you a lot of praise and admiration. But, you consciously avoid to be truthful if it costs you your hard earned image in the course of time. You always uphold your self image over the reality that you better know. By doing so, one starts creating bad karmas in advance to be paid in future. Here, I’m going to explain the interlink between truth and inner purification.
Understanding meaning and importance of truth
I have a trust and belief that truth and inner purification has a natural interlink. Truth is about letting people to know about your real self without bias and interests. It is not about putting your image you created for society against your original reality.
Ever since our civilization emerged, great sages, saints, and philosophers always preached, advocated, and practiced the nobel values of “Truth, honesty, and integrity. Definately, there should be something in such values because it is being said that it is never ever been defeated so far. By most of the spiritual persons cherished it as God and means of moksha through self purification.
The world we live in is characterized by the image, ego, personal space and individualism. Almost everyone wants to live life what he wishes to do. Actually, demand of freedom is borne out of the plenty of secrets that they accumulated in the process of safeguarding image they created.
Explaining link between truth and inner purification
Suppose, you speak lie, you get relief for short period of time. You might think that you escaped from being exposed at least for the time.
Will you get well sleep thereafter if you have sensitive mind like Tibetan saint Milarepa Yogi? Is it possible to feel light heart? Or is it possible to be confident while preaching people?
As per my experience, if I speak lie, I lose my courage, heart becomes heavy, and feel suffocated until and unless I confess my lie. No medical suppliments work for this type of health situation. In such situation, many questions always storms my mind.
Message from Milarepa Yogi
I am sure whether you are aware about the great Tibetan Yogi Milarepa or not. Milarepa became anxious about his act by which he used his black magic power to destroy his uncle as revenge. As per the tit for tat policy of most of the people, his act was okay because his uncle destroyed Milarepa’s family after the death of his father. Instead, why did he decide to do contrition thereafter?
It is being mentioned in the Tibetan literature that Milarepa did everything to be free from his evil act under the guidance of Marpa. And, finally, he became the great Tibetan saint.
In reality, his mind was so sensitive that it forced Milarepa to accept truth and empowered his to do hard penance to get free in this life.
Spiritually, truth is equated with God by sages, saints, gurus, and messengers. Because, if you speak truth, it makes you uncomfortable. For sometime, you feel low, and guilty because you think that people will label as lier despite your confession.
Later, as time pass, you start feeling more confident and courageous as you have no pressure on your sensitive mind. Besides, you hardly dare to let repetition happen.
Wishful repaying bad karmas
There are two types of souls in existence. One wants to repay their bad karmas by compulsion. And, second feel so anxious unless they repay whatever they committed sin to others.
Actually, wishful repaying bad karmas in the same life is the finest manifestation of sensitive mind. And, such mind cleans the inner self by the means of practicing and confessing truth about theirs evil deeds.
Being truthfulness is a better means to eradicate bad evils and help in cultivating good character. No person could ever be purified externally.
If you practice truthfulness and integrity, you accumulate good character like empathy, honesty, emotional intelligence, knowledge, patience and so on. In this way you purify your soul to be the best human.
Last words on truth and inner purification,
As per religious sculptures, mind and body are confined in space and time but not soul. Soul is transcendental or beyond time and space. If you think that you have great knowledge depending on the five senses or gateways of mind, you are undermining the might of almighty.
There is the only truth that almighty has perfect knowledge and perfect knowledge can’t be like knowledge accumulated by human mind. When you think that your knowledge is ultimate, you treat special and important than others. This is the beginning of ego, image and bad character. But, if you think that knowledge is infinite and only almighty is omniscient, you feel down-to-earth and humble.
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