Causes of migration in India

Regional difference is a common feature that is naturally designed by nature not to create conflicts but for cooperation and unity. But, when human bias crosses its limit, the difference becomes disparity and migration turns into exodus. Here, I’m going to explain the causes of migration in India considering the ongoing chaos.

Meaning and causes of migration

“Migration is a voluntary movement of workable people in search of better opportunities from one place to regions of opportunities. Nowadays, it is a common feature of rapidly globalising world. Generally, well qualified people of poor countries leave theirs regions in search of promised future in the advanced nations. At the same time, it is widely noticed among different regions in the same nation as well.First of all, take a look at the following

Causes of migration in India

Following are some important causes widely acknowledged in India.

Main cause of migration: Regional disparity

Regional disparity is the impact of inequitable development among regions of same or many nations despite adequate natural resources.

Actually, it is a product of faulty governmental policies and partiality by narrow minded regional politics. Such inequitable development paves the way for huge migration and series of conflicts.

Recent cause of migration coronavirus pandemic

Recently, sudden outbreak of coronavirus pandemic forced government of India to adopt the containment policies Like lockdowns, suspension of public transportation, and ban on any type of people’s movement across nation.

Hence, Panicked labours suddenly decided to return by any means to the region of origin. Afterwards, the magnitude of inter-state and intra-state migration became clear when the exodus of panicked workers defied the government’s order to reach native place.

This highlights the India’s true reality of regional disparity and inequitable development. So far,  slogans like inclusive growth and regional development remained on the policy paper.

Ineffective democratic system another cause of migration in India

It is true that fruits of development should be distributed among all stakeholders. But, how is it justifiable that to receive a fruit, one needs to travel hundreds of miles by leaving everything behind. We know that democracy emphasises on the equitable in situ development. It means that everyone should have right to say something in the process of theirs own interests.

Continuous growth in migration in India

Today, in India, fertile agricultural regions are devoid of employment opportunities, whereas, handful urban conglomerations seems more promising. Northern gangetic fertile plain which is the habitat of vast majority of population is unable to absorb the booming numbers in the traditional agriculture.

Consequently, these exodus are constantly migrating towards industrial centre’s of Maharashtra and southern states.

As per the statistics, around 450 millions people migrate in India. And, out of this, around 13 percent migration is Inter-srate; whereas, other is intra-state. It manifests that opportunities for personal development are not adequate at the local level and in the coming future, it may escalate further.

Causes of economic backwardness in rural india

We know that almost half of the population is still depend on the vagaries of monsoon and unreliable agriculture. Therefore, these numbers have only seasonal employment without quality and they have to remain unemployed in the rest of the year.

Second, government’s are still not serious on the population control policies and for the vote bank politics that love to cling family planning. Third, in India, food processing in under utilised sector which have greater demand and employment generating capacity. Finally, structural change in the rural areas have hardly witnessed in the last seven decades.

Last words on migration

Unless the policy makers value the role of manufacturing production by masses in place of mass production by handful monopolistic firms, we cannot realise the dream of equitable business ecology and quality of life in the oldest civilization of the world in the near future.

This is all about the causes of migration in India and possible impacts on human lives.

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