Karma is the totality of your deeds or actions performed in the previous births. And, it is believed that you cannot escape from its Impacts in the successive life. It is called karmic cycle. Here, through this article, Karmic cycle explained” I’m going to provide a detailed analysis of karmic cycle.
Understanding types of Karmas and karmic cycle
Logically, it is unlikely to prove karma by the means of scientific research. Hence, it is termed as belief due to people believe it.
People believe that no one could escape from the Impacts of actions. As per theirs view, our present life is mere extension of last one. So, it is the karma that connects past with present.
Common sense Understanding of karma meaning
Simply, we work by manipulating energy from one form to another. Logically, our actions has direct link with energy. If we act, either we consume or give away energy to someone.
Likewise, in the next life, we feel the same vibration in the form of good or bad fortune. Karma have different types as per the time in which performed. They are sanchit, prarabdha, and kriyaman karma.
Karma, destiny and pilgrimage
Destiny is the situation driven by karma. In simple words, karma is the means, while destiny is what the final outcome of karma.
We remain doubtful if we face uncontrollable negative things. To ward off the ill effects of past deeds, we choose pilgrimage.
Salvation is what we want to make us free from both karma — good or bad. This is all about the karma meaning.
Sanchit karma, Prarabdha Karma, and Kriyaman karma
In various religious sculptures and philosophies, it is universally admitted that the soul in question has to be a part of successive impacts of good or bad deeds or karmas of his or her.
Generally, there are three types of karmas or deeds are mentioned like Sanchit karma, Prarabdha Karma, and Kriyaman karma.
What does destiny mean?
“Destiny is nothing but the destined situation for a person based on karma performed in the previous life”
In short, it is a pre-existing situation in which person in question has to respond or act as per his or her wish and surrounding circumstances.
So, destiny can’t be good or bad but the karmas that one did in the last birth. Hence, it is inevitable yet can be controlled at the beginning of karmas itself.
General meaning of karma in Hinduism
Karma is the output of desire driven deeds by a person in the process of living life in the previous birth.
Simply, it is direct output of personal desires and responses to the surrounding circumstances while fulfilling desires.
In reality, karma is a neutral concept, but due to its impacts on our life, force us to label it as a bad or good karmas.
Generally, person wants to change or avoid bad karmas or destiny without sacrificing good karmas as he is fond of everlasting happiness.
As per the various religious beliefs and reference books, karma can be classified in the different forms according to the origin of time.
Understanding types of karmas in Hinduism
1.Sanchit karma
2.Prarabdha Karma
3.Kriyaman karma
1. Sanchit karma – stored karmas
It is totality of all karmas accumulated over the successive births that a soul have been taken before this birth. In short, it is the storehouse of unrealised karmas of previous births.
Unrealised karmas means karmas that are yet to experience as a boon or bane.
2. Prarabdha karma – karmas assigned to realise
Prarabdha karma is a certain part of Sanchit karma that is taken to realize in the present birth. Because, no one could bear the intensity of total Sanchit karma in a single birth. That’s why, a certain amount of bearable karma is assigned to a soul to realise in the ongoing life.
3. Kriyaman karma – impacts of responses while realising another
Kriyaman karma is the active response by a soul in the process of realizing the Prarabdha karma. In simple words, if you are born in a certain situation, and while living in that situation you take some decisions in response to the surrounding situations. These taken decisions in response to the destined situation is called “Kriyaman karma.”
Explaining beliefs behind rebirth and reincarnation
“Rebirth is the reappearance of soul in the newly form to realise or fulfill the liabilities and dividends of previous life”
Possibly, it may be both intended or involuntary. If a person in question is holy soul by deeds, he or she welcomed as an instrument to make the world better off. Contrarily, if a person has a lot of liabilities, he or she needs to rectify again.
It is compulsory as long as the portion of Sanchit karma is remained to realize. Simply, whether it is bad or good karmas, you have to come down to repay or realise the remained portion.
Meaning of Moksha by different religions
Moksha is a state when your debit and credit accounts of karmas become absolutely empty or neutral. It means that you have to make your Sanchit karma zero to reach at the neutral stage.
And it is only possible by sacrificing desires and great devotion to almighty God. Person achieved Moksha doesn’t need to reappear in the cyclic manner as a part of cause and effect.
So, karmic cycle and rebirth could be controlled by the person itself by sacrificing the greed of worldly affairs and surrendering at the feet of almighty God. Because, we know that desire driven cycle of deeds and karmas have no end.
Exploring Karmic cycle and karmic account
Karmic cycle explains how one gets trapped in the successive impacts of deeds and become a part of inevitable birth and death cycle. In the simple terms, it is like hide and seek game between good and bad karmas or deeds.
Karmas, karmic cycle, and destiny
And, karmic accounts are the ownership of debts or dividends of actions done by person in his successive births. Such karmic accounts are the only driving force for the cycle of rebirth.
Obviously, karma has different nature depending on time in which action is done. They are labelled as sanchit, praarabdh, and present or (Kriyaman) karma. Let’s see one by one in detailed way.
Importantly, we have to rely on certain traditional religious beliefs and assumptions to justify our explanations.
Only then, we can explain why someone experiences extreme hardships despite right path and why other enjoys unlimited luxury without dropping a drop of sweat on the basis of karmic cycle.
“Explaining karmic cycle and karmic account”
Simply, action done with a deliberate intent by any person is generally called as karmas. And, such karma or action is categorised on the basis of time factor.
Generally, you know that our major religious philosophies and beliefs advocates the idea of different forms of karmas performed in different circumstances such as Sanchit, Prarabdha, and Kriyaman karma.
Mostly, hindu religious sculptures uphold the belief of rebirth. Accordingly, souls tends to move in a cyclic manner to fulfill it’s aspired desires with accumulated deeds.
As a result, the amount of negative, as well as positive karmas gets piled on the name of particular soul. Eventually, reason body is the direct product of both negative, as well as positive karmas that determine the following birth in the form of destiny.
Formation of karmic relationship and karmic cycle
In simple words, karma is nothing but intended actions in particular circumstances directed at someone or something. And, to perform such intended actions, one needs to associates with other actors as well to finish task.
In this way, whenever a person involves in any actions weather it is positive or negative, the output of such actions equally either credited or deducted from not only individual but joint karmic accounts as well.
Ultimately, the unbroken chain of exchange of energy among various participants forms a kind of relationship that we call “karmic relationship”.
Spiritually, if one wants to freed himself or herself from the vicious cycle of karmas, the karmic accounts needs to be dissolved totally whether it is positive or negative karmas.
So, unless a person settles the liability of karmic relationship by performing required actions, he or she can’t get freed from the karmic bond.
Liberation from karmic cycle
For the layman’s understanding, karmas or karmic account cannot be dissolved unless a person ready to give up or sacrifice his or her all the desires. In precisely, both negative as well as positive karmas needs to be sacrificed. For that, following hurdles must be renounced.
Negative beliefs and negative enmity
Frequently, it is noticed that everyone who is ignorant easily start believing preconceived beliefs of societies without using reasoning.
Logically, wrong beliefs system of any person might land him in the unstoppable journey of action reaction chain.
Revenge is the mother of wildness and fanatic madness. Here, person is addicted to harm by all means to opponent. He or she never thinks to forgive person in question. Undoubtedly, this is the most lethal way of karmic debts.
Self, ego, and revenue
Selfish tendencies are no less responsible to enslave person to go for limitless. In conclusion, first one puts you on wrong path by the means of ignorance instead proper knowledge. Second hurdle forces to commit chain of actions. And, third one makes one exploitative, greedy and unsatisfied.
Truly, some argues that by acquiring proper knowledge one could realize the secret of “Maya” or greed. But, these things are voluntary and not forced by strict situation. I think such ideas are only relevant to deliver religious discourses and nothing else.
How to dissolve Karma and free from karmic cycle?
So, to dissolve karmas, he or she needs to reject the commands of obsessed greedy mind whether by forced hardships or self-enlightenment. Actually, it depends on the soul in action and not the path prescribed by popular beliefs.
Also, it is widely assumed that whenever a person undergoes excessive brutal hardships, then, the person in question develop somehow bias towards “world rejection of ethos”.
Contrarily, a person becomes fond of luxury who experienced better fortune. This may be a good reason behind the austerity move by great scholars, mystics, and spiritual gurus to break the karmic thread permanently by sacrificing everything in search of ultimate truth.
At the same time, the negative reaction cannot be ruled out as the worst authoritarian persons are the product of unbearable pain and suffering.
Last words on karma and karmic cycle,
I would like to conclude that even in this life, negative actions or deeds directed at someone by anyone only yield avenge and retaliation. Then, how could it be possible to ensure one’s liberation from the afterlife karmic cycle?
So, the only way to dissolve karmic account and karmic cycle is to love one another, forgive opponents, help needy, practice truth, and be a great servant.
Because, it is journey and not one time pilgrimage or rituals to be free from all cyclic liabilities. In short, the deeds can be repaid in the same degree and manner by investing equal energy, and not by chanting God’s name. After all, explaining karmic cycle isn’t easy due to concrete knowledge. Hope, best will come in near future.
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